Ripta Tracker

by ForwardLoop


not available

Designed for commuters, Ripta Tracker offers real-time bus locations in RI.Locations update every 30 seconds.
Select your route and stops and RiptaTracker will remember it for you.
Defaults to inbound in the morning and outbound for the your ride home in the afternoon.
View all routes, a few selected routes, or a single route.
Select a stop to zoom in.
Option to disable auto-refresh.
Note: due to up to 30 seconds between updates buses will be closer than they appear on the app.
No more wondering where's your bus!
App Disclaimer:
RIPTA neither endorses any third party products listed here nor makes any guarantees or representations as to accuracy or reliability. Proceed with care and understand any usage charges that may apply to you. RIPTA reserves the right to remove/add applications listings without notice.